Welcome to the new face of Wyeth Farms....introducing RK Cattle Co.

Our Practices at RK Cattle Co

Innovative Feeding 

At RK Cattle Co, we prioritize innovative feeding practices that ensure the health and well-being of our cattle while also producing top-quality beef. Working closely with a nutritionist, we utilize feedstuff grown on our farm and sourced from reliable partners. Our approach blends modern innovations with over 100 years of accumulated knowledge, passed down through generations. This combination ensures that we not only supply a great product but also maintain the integrity and tradition of our family's legacy.

What We Feed

One of the most common questions we receive is about our feeding practices. At RK Cattle Co, we take pride in our unique approach to feeding our cattle. Unlike some operations that exclusively use grass or grain finishing methods, we employ a diverse mix of feed sources throughout the lives of our cattle.Our feeding regimen reflects our belief that there is no single "right" way to feed cattle; rather, it is a matter of preference and consideration for the health and quality of the meat. We feed our cattle a combination of silage, hay, corn, and straw grown on our farm, supplemented by other products sourced both locally and from afar.Innovative additions to our feed, such as distiller's grains, potato mash, gummy bears, and starch, not only enhance the nutritional value of our beef but also contribute to reducing waste in other industries. For example, by utilizing distiller's grains from the alcohol production process or potato mash from a potato chip company, we repurpose these byproducts into valuable feed sources for our cattle. These alternative feed options are not only more digestible for the cattle but also reflect our commitment to sustainability and resourcefulness in our farming practices.

Why Dry Aged Beef

Dry aging beef is a cornerstone of our process, distinguishing our product from others on the market. Unlike the industry standard of 14 days, we dry age our beef for a longer period, despite the resulting shrinkage and loss of poundage. This extended aging process allows natural enzymes to break down the muscle, resulting in meat that is exceptionally tender and flavorful. The controlled open-air environment in which we age our beef pulls moisture from the meat, intensifying its richness and creating a buttery texture that is highly desirable among connoisseurs.